On August 24th 1940 Luftwaffe bombers accidently bombed the area of London known as Cripplegate, close by a gate in the ancient Roman wall. The damage was minor in comparison to later attacks, but it had a great psychological impact—the first attack on London, and on...
Breaking Point continues today…
On August 20th, 1940, Churchill addressed the House of Commons in another of his great orations. This time the subject was the battle in the air, and the pilots, whom he dubbed, in indelible ink, ‘The Few.’ Johnnie Shaux and his fellow pilots hear the speech on the...
Breaking Point begins today…
August 18th, 1940 is now known as ‘The Hardest Day’ in the Battle of Britain, when the RAF and the Luftwaffe lost a combined total of more than 200 aircraft destroyed or damaged in a single day. This is the day we meet Johnnie, a Spitfire fighter pilot, who will fly...
First came Kanalkampf
First came Kanalkampf, the Fight for the Channel, soon it will be Adlerangriff, Operation Eagle, the plan to destroy 11 Group Following up on Fuhrer Directive 16, Hitler approved Fuhrer Directive 17 on August 1st, 1940, 80 years ago. This directive authorized...