
The Breaking Point series follows the history of World War II, as seen through the eyes of my protagonists Eleanor and Johnnie Shaux.

Breaking Point

August – September 1940

Breaking Point examines the start of the Battle of Britain and the beginnings of the London blitz.

Infinite Stakes

September 1940 – December 1941

Infinite Stakes completes the story of the Battle of Britain in 1940 and then follows the pivotal events of 1941: through Eleanor’s eyes we see the creation of the Atlantic Alliance in 1941 and through Johnnie’s eyes the formation of the American Eagle squadrons in 1941. The book ends at Pearl Harbor in December.

Infinite Stakes

August – November 1942

A Slender Thread takes place in the siege of Malta and follows the events that brought Malta, and the Allies, from the jaws of defeat to the triumph of El Alamein.

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