World War II

Happy Christmas

History is filled with acts of barbarity, and modern history has more than its share. One of the most barbaric battlefields was the Western Front in World War I, when the two sides were locked in an endless and brutal war of attrition, each side dug into a complex...

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On December 7th, 1941, the Japanese Empire attacked the United States Pacific Fleet as it lay at anchor in Pearl Harbor. The event, described by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt as a ‘Date which will live in Infamy’ brought the United States into World War II. Some...

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History—A Fresh Canvas or a Finished Landscape?

When I was growing up in England, history consisted of an endless line of kings and queens, punctuated by frequent wars fought mostly against the French. This cheerful view of history (we always beat the French) culminated in our recent triumph in World War II. The...

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Reflections on the Battle of Britain

Reflections on the Battle of Britain and our debt to the ‘few’ “The odds were great; our margins small; the stakes infinite.” —Churchill Forgive this longer post, but there is much to say and our debt is great. The Battle of Britain is one of the most remarkable...

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Descent into Terrorism

As October 1940 progresses the Battle of Britain seems to be descending into mindless violence. It is obvious that the Luftwaffe cannot defeat Fighter Command in daylight, but it continues to try to do so whenever the weather and Goring’s shifting moods permit. This...

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